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Emu Oil Skin and Hair Solutions?

Emu oil has been used as a natural remedy for centuries by the Aborigines of Australia.  It is well known for its ability to heal and moisturize.  Over the last decade it has become more and more popular.  Much research has been done showing the many benefits of this remarkable oil.  It is used to treat dry skin problems, balance the scalp, and relieve pain among other things. 

Two acids, linoleic acid and oleic acid, give emu oil many of its anti inflammatory attributes.  Linoleic acid eases aches and pains.  For this reason many people use this oil to treat sore muscles and arthritis.  Oleic acid is an anti-wrinkle agent and a good cell regenerator, making it good to treat scars and promote healing.  This would include scars from an injury or stretch marks.  

Emu oil works so well on the skin because it is non-comedeogenic and will not irritate.  It is also not greasy and it won’t clog pores.  Many ingredients are too large to get down deep into the skin where they can really work, but emu oil penetrates deep into the layers of skin.  This makes it very effective.  It is able to soften the skin and provide much needed moisture. 

When used on the scalp emu oil can balance and normalize the scalp.  It is also able to clean down deep into the hair follicle without removing important oils.  The scalp must have a certain amount of oil to be healthy.  This substance is also anti-fungal.  It will gently remove fungus and bacteria that may cause scalp problems and hair loss.  It has also been shown to increase circulation.  This can make hair thicker and stronger. 

Emu oil is an all around great substance to use on the skin and hair.  It naturally provides moisture and balance. 


Emu Oil Information:

What Skin and Hair Problems Can Emu Oil Be Used For?

What are The Benefits of Using Emu Oil?

Emu Oil Skin and Hair Solutions

How Does Emu Oil Work?

Emu Oil Shampoo Benefits

Emu Shampoo


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